Serving the Miccosukee Tribe as Their RDH
November 20, 2023—I grew up only 40 miles from the Miccosukee Tribal lands in the Everglades. Then I served them for 10 years.
Welcome to the dental hygiene professionals' new resource for clinical updates, career strategies, highlights and can’t-miss stories.
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Serving the Miccosukee Tribe as Their RDH
November 20, 2023—I grew up only 40 miles from the Miccosukee Tribal lands in the Everglades. Then I served them for 10 years.
Evidence-Based Self-Care Recommendations Matter
November 8, 2023—The IFDH's surprising survey findings on whether dental hygienists’ preventive self-care recommendations are evidence based.
Advocacy in Action – Urging CMS to Educate Providers on 2024 Medicare Updates
October 25, 2023—ADHA submitted comments to CMS on proposals and request for information on Medicare Parts A & B Payment for Dental Services as draft 2024 Physician Fee Schedule is prepared.
Interview with ADHA District II Director and Inaugural Fellow
October 16, 2023—LCDR Erin Heap of the USPHS spoke with Carolynn Wahl about her dental hygiene journey and induction as an ADHA Fellow.
Routine Dental X-rays May Lead to Unnecessary Procedures in Younger Children
October 4, 2023—Given limited resources to meet the demand for services, low-value health care procedures are targeted for de-implementation.
Reshaping Perceptions: A Latina’s Dental Hygiene Journey
September 27, 2023—Oral health care was not a priority in Carmen's childhood in Puerto Rico. Her path to dental hygiene was paved by education, experience and a kind uncle.
Evidence-based CPG for the Pharmacologic Management of Acute Dental Pain in Children
September 23, 2023—A new Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) offers seven recommendations and five good practice statements for managing acute dental pain in children under 12 years of age.
What it Means to Be a Dental Hygienist Liaison
September 14, 2023—Being part of a larger mission to improve oral health outcomes in vulnerable communities in her state has given Celeste an unmatched sense of purpose.
Patient Shielding During Dentomaxillofacial Radiography
August 21, 2023—Scientific evidence suggests lead aprons and thyroid shields may not be necessary for reducing exposure to radiation.
Hope for Maui – Resources
August 17, 2023—The pain and loss are overwhelming for Maui residents and families in Lahaina. These local organizations will continue to support the recovery moving forward.
I’m a Lefty Girl in a Righty World
August 13, 2023—Being left-handed is an experiential challenge – you think about it when you experience it. Lefty hygienists experience it every day.
A Guide to Listing Credentials
July 9, 2023— Presenting credentials in a uniform way increases the public’s awareness of the significance and value of the honors and distinctions achieved.
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