The ADHA’s Hygienist Hub welcomes submissions of original content related to dental hygiene practice, career, education, advocacy, ADHA member and student stories, clinical insights, research and events. Our goal is to offer valuable updates, career strategies, highlights and can’t-miss stories that interest the ADHA membership and dental hygiene community.


Original Content Review

All submissions must be original, unpublished and owned by the author(s). All submissions are reviewed and edited by ADHA Communications staff for quality, depth, relevance and style. The Hygienist Hub Editorial Advisory Group reviews clinical research and education content. ADHA retains final editorial control.

Authorship Requirements

Authors/contributors must be ADHA members or prior approved external collaborators. Sponsored content will be labeled accordingly when published, displayed and promoted. Author sequence should reflect contribution level. Authors are responsible for obtaining written permission from the copyright owner to use any third-party visuals (tables, charts, figures and photographs). Include documentation of permissions as content may be repurposed by ADHA for other member communications. Authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest. Visuals are encouraged, but not required. If none are provided, ADHA may choose images that reflect the subject matter for online display requirements.


Content proposals are accepted through ADHA’s electronic submission system and must reflect one or more of the following submission categories:

  • Advocacy
  • Career
  • Clinical Insights
  • Events + Education
  • Member Stories
  • Research
  • Student focus

We accept simultaneous submissions on multiple categories. Submission proposals must include full author(s) name(s) and credentials, email address and phone number and a brief summary of the proposed article. Completed content may also be submitted through the electronic form, or emailed via ongoing communication threads with ADHA staff. Contributors are asked to include a brief biographical note of no more than 3 sentences with their content submission. It may include personal or business websites and contact information. Author photo is welcome but not required. If there are multiple authors, submit for lead author.

Content Specifications

  • Clinical Insights and Research works must be evidence-based. References should be offered. Reviewers will verify accuracy of content.
  • References should follow Chicago Manual of Style endnote format. When referencing medical literature, include the author’s full name, article title, journal name in italics, volume number, issue number, publication date, and page numbers.
    • Journal article:  Author One and Author Two, “Title of the Article,” Journal Name 99, no. 1 (Year): pp-pp.
    • Online journal:  Author Name, “Title of the Article,” Journal Name 88 (Month Year): pp-pp,
    • Book:   Author Name, Title of the Book. (City: Publisher name, Year), pp-pp.
    • Website:  Author/Organization. “Title of Page.” Name of Website. Month Day, Year. Accessed Month Day, Year. Webpage URL
  • Manuscripts should be a minimum of 600 words but no more than 1000 words in length (i.e. a 2 to 4-minute read) in Word format (.doc or .docx)
  • Article/Content title and section headers are recommended. If not submitted, ADHA may create them for the piece.
  • Submit tables/figures are separate files in original format at 300 dpi resolution. Visuals must include captions, identified in manuscript.
  • Video or audio submissions should be no longer than 3 minutes in length. Video may be submitted via download link (MP4), YouTube link, or  record a new one here. Audio submissions accepted as MP3 or WAV.


Initial review takes 2-4 weeks. All submitters will be contacted by ADHA Marketing Communications staff after initial review to discuss next steps. Publication occurs between 2-12 weeks after staff contact. Priority consideration is given to time-sensitive content. ADHA reserves the right to determine and change final publication dates as needed.


Technical Difficulties:

If you have any questions or encounter technical difficulties, please Contact Us.