Propose an Amendment

Voting members of the association may fill out the form below (login required) to submit a recommendation to change ADHA’s Bylaws or Code of Ethics. Once submitted, the proposal will go through the following process:

  • Vetting: The proposal will be vetted by leadership, staff, and legal to determine viability.
  • Board Meeting Assignment: The scheduling of a proposed amendment to a Board Meeting will vary based on the time needed for the vetting process and the 30-day notification requirement.  This means an amendment may not always be considered at the Board Meeting immediately following submission. 
  • Submitter Notification: The submitter will receive a confirmation email after submitting the form below.  After the proposed amendment has been vetted, the submitter will be informed of the outcome and a scheduled meeting date, if applicable, via email.
  • Member Notifications: An alert will be sent to all members 30 days prior to the Board meeting. Members will be notified through the ADHA Update Newsletter and a notice posted on this page (login required). Following the Board meeting, members will be informed of adopted changes within ten (10) business days.