By Bronwyn Barrera, ADHA Staff
January 3, 2023

100 Years of Leadership in Oral Health

Elevating the Profession

In 1923, a group of 46 forward-thinking dental hygienists representing various states journeyed from across the U.S. to the Hollenden Hotel in downtown Cleveland, Ohio, to hold the first Annual Conference of the ADHA®. Together these pioneering women drafted the first constitution and bylaws for an organization in its infancy so that officers could be elected to unify and lead the group. Mrs. Winifred Hart of Bridgeport, CT, became the first president of the ADHA—the same organization celebrating its 100th anniversary this year.

First Annual Session 1923, Cleveland, OH

Eight of 46 dental hygienists attending the ADHA’s first annual conference.
Cleveland Press, September 12, 1923.

Over ten decades, hundreds of thousands of determined ADHA members and dental hygiene pioneers have helped push the envelope and elevated the profession to the essential and instrumental force it is today in oral and overall health care. Join the dental hygiene community as we celebrate this historic milestone and look forward to a new century for the American Dental Hygienists’ Association.
View the Press Release

A New Century. A New Look.

Returning to the traditional purple representing the compassion, purpose and inspiration of the dental hygiene profession, the ADHA’s new logo and brand identity features not one but multiple shades of the color representing the diverse roles, responsibilities, career paths and people who make up our membership and the dental hygiene community.

The Transition

This special 100th anniversary edition of the new logo with tagline will be used throughout 2023, applied across traditional and digital media. ADHA print, web and social properties will gradually transition to the new brand identity with a new website launching in February. Constituent, Component and Student Chapter logos have been created and launched to their respective leadership for transition and application throughout all levels of the association family. At the close of the year, ADHA will transition to a permanent version of the logo without the tagline.

A Yearlong Celebration

Each month this year, ADHA will share moments in time—of membership, of experiences, of achievements and milestones from this journey—that weave the fabric of our history and have paved the way for our future. Look forward to new web experiences, a new digital content hub, new education, fun member contests, student activities, special member offers, and highlights with a centennial celebration at ADHA23 – the ADHA Annual Conference in Chicago, July 7–9, 2023.

Learn more about the 100 Moments Project

Be sure to renew your membership and follow ADHA on all social channels and on to be a part of it all year!